Thursday, November 27, 2008


Help, I ate too much turkey!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving From The Fonseca's

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone and although the original plan was to go visit family in Tucson Arizona and then on to Thatcher to Nathan's baptism, our plans changed and we ended up staying home. It was nice to relax and do absolutely nothing for the few days we had off. Suzi's turkey was perfect (with my help) as well as all the fixin's.

Of couse there is no break in between thanksgiving and christmas in my home. Suzi had me get all the decorations out of storage and the house is now officially in christmas mode.

Where did the year go?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

5th Annual Halloween Party

5th Annual Halloween Party

Another successful halloween party has come and gone. Infact, this was the party of all parties. As Suzi says, "GOOD TIMES" "GOOD TIMES". It was nice to see our friends all come together and have a great time especially the Danielsons who we hadn't seen in a while. Great to see you guys!!!

What a great spread, the food was incredible and the entertainment was fun as usual especially when we play the Murder game. Our friends come to these parties just to get groaped or felt up, what a bunch of pervs! (Alfano's) Not to mention all the injuries, Michael still has a huge bruise on his leg from when a little hispanic woman kicked him. (We won't mention any names but you know who you are).

The costumes were amazing this year, very creative and fun. Kelsey, you have to stop hooking up with "The Bun Maker" everytime you do, look what happens. Shelley was hanging out with some scary executioner dude and where the heck was Chas. There was an old guy who looked like Doc and he was hitting on some young hispanic girl, rumor has it she's shacked up with 7 short guys with funny names. We're pretty sure she was the one who kicked Michael while playing Murder. Dancing With The Stars, Julianne & Derek aint got nothing on these 2. Then there's the biker couple, all they did was cause trouble, cool Tats though, they must have got em done at Miami Ink. What's up with the female boxer chick with the bright pink hair, she could have atleast shaved her chest. The other boxer chick wasn't so bad, just a little rough around the edges and had a mouth like a sailor. Speaking of sailors, was that Jack Sparrow and his little mistress? Makes us want to sing, "Yo Ho, Yo Ho A Pirates life for me". OH yeah, almost forgot... Why is the army girl so sad, you think she would be happy after capturing Osama or Obama or what ever his name is. Who was that cool Devil guy that we saw making out with that Hot Angel? Pretty Steamy.

We're pretty sad that Sasha couldn't make it this year but apparently she was having some kind of surgery. Something about completing her transformation or having something permanently removed, not quite sure. She kind of looks like that Dancing With The Stars Guy, maybe the're related...
One last thing, if anyone wants the boxer chicks number with the pink hair, it's written on our bathroom wall.

Well friends, thats all we have for now so until Next Year, Happy Holidays to everyone and be safe.

The Fonseca's