Monday, July 6, 2009

Camping Trip 2009

Emma is teaching Rylee & Mallory how to do the Cha Cha Slide.... "How Low Can You Go"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

It's that time of year again, Memorial Day, 2009 and what a better way to celebrate it than with friends, good food and lots of fun. I actually got a break from the grill this year, Joe and Chas (The Grill Masters) took charge and I got to chill by the pool.

I did make my secret marinade and the chicken was YUMMY!.. I also made my famous hot links and spinach dip but and boy did it all go fast. Thanks to everyone who brought food and drinks, everything was great.

The last head count was 45, 16 adults and 29 kids, no wonder the water in the pool got so merky so fast. I can only imagine how many times the little ones pee'd in the pool..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New SpringWidget

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Count Down is Underway!

We are just days away from the guys annual Mojave trip. Just the guys, NO WIVES, NO KIDS, NO WORK! Nothing but riding, shooting, eating and just plain fun. Last year we experienced one of the most stressful events imaginable. Our high tech GPS system, (TODD LEWIS AND SCOTT SMITH) must have malfunctioned because we took the wrong turn off the highway leading us to a path of near distruction. We ended up driving down a dry river wash which we thought was a dirt road. WRONG!! next thing we know, we are this close to rolling my truck and trailer. It was a very scary 3 hours of doing everything we could to avoid disaster but with the help of Cody and his monster truck we won't be sleeping in tents this year.

Once we finally met up with the rest of the gang, it was nothing but fun for the remainder of the trip.

Who knows what disasters this year will bring or what danger lies ahead for Harry Potter (Scott), what I can promise is what happens in Mojave, stays in Mojave.....

Del, Cody & Curtis, Mojave just won't be the same with out you guys this year but at least my trailer will get some reprieve (if you know what I mean) ask Cody..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


"Weeweechu "

It's was a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu." Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita. Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time, Pedro begged. "But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." replied Rosita. Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me." Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu." Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang..... "Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."


Thursday, November 27, 2008


Help, I ate too much turkey!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving From The Fonseca's

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone and although the original plan was to go visit family in Tucson Arizona and then on to Thatcher to Nathan's baptism, our plans changed and we ended up staying home. It was nice to relax and do absolutely nothing for the few days we had off. Suzi's turkey was perfect (with my help) as well as all the fixin's.

Of couse there is no break in between thanksgiving and christmas in my home. Suzi had me get all the decorations out of storage and the house is now officially in christmas mode.

Where did the year go?